The Council

The Parish Council exists to represent the interests of the whole of the Parish of Sutton. The Council is non-party political and is made up of Parish Councillors who are local residents. Considering local residents’ concerns, needs and aspirations is at the heart of the Parish Council’s work and ensuring effective communication within and beyond the Parish is key. Sutton Parish Council therefore very much welcomes questions, opinions and concerns from residents, and values their presence at its Parish Council meetings.

Parish Councillors are elected at local elections to serve a four year term. Residents on the electoral roll may be co-opted on to the Parish Council if there are insufficient candidates at an election to fill all the seats, or if a vacancy occurs during a four-year term.

The Parish Council’s main role is to ensure that the delivery of services to meet local needs is maintained (and ideally enhanced); and that the quality of life in the community and the environment of the Parish are improved. It’s true to say that on their own, parish councils have limited powers to make executive decisions but they do have the ability to negotiate with, and the power to influence, other organisations that do make the final decisions, such as other tiers of local government, health authorities, the police etc.

The funds to meet the Parish Council’s expenditure are raised partly through rental income but mainly via Council tax the precept. The precept is the Parish Council’s share of the council tax The annual precept is agreed each year by the Parish Council and is the amount which it considers is required to serve the needs of the Parish, including meeting its budgeted expenditure.. The precept demand goes to the billing authority, Peterborough City Council, which collects the tax for parish councils.

The Parish Council employs a Parish Clerk. The Clerk provides professional advice and administrative support to ensure that the Council adheres to its legal requirements and implements decisions correctly. The Clerk is also the Council’s Responsible Financial Officer, administering its financial affairs in accordance with prescribed procedures.


What Sutton Parish Council does

  • All council meetings are open to the public and local residents are welcome to attend. Parish Councillors are there both to listen and to try to answer queries and assist with any local problems and issues where possible.
  • The Council reviews all relevant planning applications. A councillor will usually speak with neighbours and any affected parties. Where appropriate a response is sent to the Planning Department.
  • The Council has the responsibility to maintain the Recreation Ground off Nene Way, the Reading Room on Lovers Lane and shares the running costs of the Church nave with the Parochial Church Council. It also deals with the tenancy agreements and the rental of a few garden allotments together with tenancy agreements for the hire of grazing land off Nene Way and off Graeme Road. Also, a plot of land for agricultural cultivation at Sutton Cross.
  • The Council monitors rights of way and footpaths in the village, and asks for remedial work to be effected where necessary.
  • The Council also maintains the stone structure at Sutton Cross.
  • Councillors review any requests for donations to help village groups.
  • Councillors and the Clerk manage the council’s finances as per the regulations.
  • Councillors and appointed representatives attend meetings, where possible and appropriate, on matters of rural policing, the Local Plan, neighbourhood planning, parish liaison or new training requirements.
  • The Council has links with other appropriate groups and bodies to keep abreast of the law, new regulations, planning changes, local police matters, and associations such as CAPALC, Cycle West, Friends of Sutton Church, and charitable groups, etc.

Reading RoomThe Council is also responsible for the:

  • Recreation Ground:
  • Grazing land
  • Allotments Gardens
  • Reading Room

What Sutton Parish Council does not do

  • Grant or refuse planning applications. Although it can, and does, support or oppose them as a consultee. .
  • Street Care and Cleaning (eg. potholes; fly tipping; unemptied public bins – please contact Peterborough City Council 01733 747474. 
  • Street Lighting – please contact Peterborough City Council 01733 453523 
  • Collect household refuse, recycled waste and garden waste – please contact Peterborough City Council 01733 747474
Contact Peterborough City Council Customer services: 01733 747474
For the following additional services:

  • Benefits enquiries - 01733 452241 (8.30am to 5.30pm)
  • Children's Services referral and assessment - 01733 864170 or 864180
  • Council tax enquiries - 01733 452258
  • Electoral services - 01733 452249
  • Families information services - 01733 864446 (9am to 5pm)
  • Housing needs - 01733 864064
  • Licensing - 01733 453491
  • Registry Office - 01733 864646


The village pound